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Environmental protection

» About the Company » Environmental protection

As Hermes Company, we make all solutions to protect the environment, which we always take into account during numerous investments or modernization of the Company.

With this in mind, Hermes introduced the CIP (Cleaning-in-Place) machine cleaning system. It is a closed system in which a recirculated cleaning solution is used.

Additionally, we installed devices for reactive power compensation in order to reduce power consumption. Internal combustion forklifts were also replaced with electric ones, thanks to their replacement we contribute to stopping the process of global warming.

The modern production technologies used allow us to reduce the plastics used while maintaining high quality packaging.

These are, of course, only some of the implemented innovations with a view to the natural economy. We are in constant cooperation with external companies specializing in the protection of the natural environment.

We care about ecology because, we are obliged to do so by the unique place of Przemęcki Landscape Park covered by the Natura 2000 area, in which we operate and where we obtain water from. We are also guided by concern for the future of the next generations.

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