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"There are two ways to live your life. One is to live as if nothing were a miracle.
The second is to live as if everything were a miracle"
- Albert Einstein


Hermes - natural mineral water

Hermes is one of the largest producers of natural mineral water, spring water and a producer of a wide range of flavoured drinks. The available water is drawn from the Quaternary formations located in one of the ecologically cleanest regions of Greater Poland (Wielkopolska). It belongs to the category of moderately mineralized, low-sodium waters, aptly dedicated to common, everyday consumption, and is not subject to the treatment process.

Hermes Amita Mineral Water
Hermes Amita Cristal Water
Hermes Amita
Hermes Amita Water

Water from the heart of the Przemęcki Landscape Park

Among the hills and forests of Greater Poland there are pearls of nature - crystal clear groundwater left by glaciers and rains in bygone eras. We exploit these waters by means of 6 wells, about 55 m deep, and we pour natural mineral waters and spring waters from independent intakes.

Crystalline purity

The area of the groundwater intakes are forest areas belonging to the Natura 2000 network. Before rainwater reaches the aquifer, they are additionally filtered by a complex of poorly permeable rocks. As a result, these waters are so naturally clean that they do not require any treatment, even for contaminants typical of other groundwater - iron and manganese.


We leave everything to nature

The chemical composition of our mineral and spring waters is solely due to natural processes in the geological environment. These waters do not require any treatment, not even that permitted for natural mineral waters and spring waters.

These are low-mineralized and medium-mineralized waters, with a balanced content of minerals and microelements. This makes our waters ideal for people to drink, regardless of their age and health.


Hermes Amita
Hermes Amita Water
Hermes Amita Mineral Water


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