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Our Water Source

» About water » Our Water Source

Among the hills and forests of the Przemęcki Landscape Park there are pearls of nature - crystal clear groundwater left by glaciers and rains in bygone eras. We exploit these waters by means of 6 wells, about 55 m deep, and we pour natural mineral waters and spring waters from independent intakes.

The area of the groundwater intakes are forest areas belonging to the Natura 2000 network. Before rainwater reaches the aquifer, they are additionally filtered by a complex of poorly permeable rocks. As a result, these waters are so naturally clean that they do not require any treatment, even for contaminants typical of other groundwater - iron and manganese.

In addition, we constantly care about preserving the outstanding qualities of the waters. We have established and constantly monitor the intake protection zone, thanks to which we have eliminated the possibility of the creation of objects harmful to the environment here.

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